The Most Important Idea in Advertising

RedwoodJS lighting-talk: A playful exploration of how umlauts might just be the most powerful marketing tool you've never considered.


RedwoodJS lighting-talk: A playful exploration of how umlauts might just be the most powerful marketing tool you've never considered.

Picture this: You’re building the next big thing on the web. You need a powerful, full-stack framework that can handle anything you throw at it. That’s where RedwoodJS comes in - and I should know, I was part of the RedwoodJS Core Team.

Now, let me take you back to October 2022. The RedwoodJS team gathered in San Francisco for what would be a game-changing retreat. Each team member was tasked with delivering a lightning talk that would push boundaries and challenge conventions.

While I couldn’t be there in person, I had something revolutionary to share - a concept so powerful it would transform how we think about marketing forever: umlauts.

You see, “umlaut marketing” isn’t just some crazy theory. It’s a proven strategy used by real companies with real products to create unforgettable brands that stand out in a crowded marketplace.

And that’s when inspiration struck. What if we could harness this power for RedwoodJS? What if we could create something truly memorable? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:

RĂ«dwöödJS - ThĂ« Äpp FrĂ€mĂ«wörk för StĂ€rtĂŒps

Now, I know what you’re thinking - this is just a tongue-in-cheek example. But hear me out, because there’s a powerful message here. Those two little dots above the letters? They’re not just decorative. They’re connecting dots between your brand and your customer.

You see, your brand is more than just a name. It’s a bridge. A bridge made of design that connects to emotion that connects to your message. Each dot of that umlaut is a touchpoint, linking you directly to your audience in a way that’s memorable, distinctive, and maybe even a little bit fun.

(And yes, that pun about connecting dots was very much intended!)

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“He told me the most important idea in advertising is new.” Don Draper, Mad Men

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Hot Take

The most important idea in advertising is the ÜmlĂ€ĂŒt.

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aka “heavy metal umlauts”

  • Blue Öyster Cult
  • Mötley CrĂŒe - Inspired by drinking LöwenbrĂ€u beer
  • Motörhead - 🂡
  • QueensrĂżche
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Bands continued

  • Living ColoĂŒr
  • HĂŒsker DĂŒ
  • Ruste⃛d Root
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Fake Bands

  • Deathtöngue
  • Spın̈al Tap
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Brands Make Ü Happy


  • Cröonchy Stars
  • HĂ€agen-Dazs
  • Frusen GlĂ€djĂ©
  • PĆȘR Water
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Fashion Brands

  • RykĂ€ shoes
  • Söfft shoes
  • YogaMöm
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  • foreign == $$$
  • fancy, exotic
  • menacing, gothic
  • friendly, ĂŒ == 😀
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Time to Harness thĂ« PöwĂ«r of ÜmlĂ€ĂŒt MĂ€rkĂ«tĂŻng

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ThĂ« Äpp FrĂ€mĂ«wörk för StĂ€rtĂŒps

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Powered By

  • PrĂŻsmĂ€
  • SĂŒpĂ€bĂ€sĂ«
  • ClĂ«rk
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  • FlĂż.ïö
  • GĂŒĂŻld
Umlaut Marketing - Slide 13

Connects the Dots between you and your customer

Brand is Design is Emotion is Message

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